Thursday 18 February 2010

Although the skins-esque theory seems to be pretty sound, 
they never pan out quite as uncontrollable or epic as you had 
wished. shame really. oh well. tea parties are better :]


- so today has been a lovely day, no stress, worry, just been a nice relaxing day :) 
i have enjoyed it lots, and am looking forward to my long weekend; 
tomorrow, is going to be fun as i have a party in the day, and then back to a mates for the nighttt.. but sadly i do have the dentist, but seeing as my teethh are perfect, bar a chipped 'drunken hug' tooth. it should be all hunky-dorieeee. 

- my day has also been rather productive, i've done some pages in my art sketchbook. so as to keep on top and not allow myself to fall behind again. ah that was living hell. but i've learnt from my mistakes. never ever again. and found some new bands to hum along tooooooo. 

so 'appy 'appy days :)

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